Thursday, December 11, 2014


I believe that Janie is never satisfied with her life, which is only human. Throughout the story Janie has always jumped into seemingly great situations but Janie just ends up dissappointed again. The great thing about this recurring situation though is that it does not make Janie an unlikable person, unlike the characters in the Great Gatsby. I believe, and so do many others, that every person is always looking for something better. Janie especially has the right to be constantly dissatisfied because her relationships, living conditions, etc. are continuously displeasing. The consequence to this goal is that it can never be reached. The idea of an unreachable dream again relates to the American dream which we looked at while reading the Great Gatsby. Janie is in constant pursuit of a better life but can't reach it, so she ends up taking every enticing opportunity that comes her way. This idea also relates to the first paragraph of the book. Hurston says that Men's dreams are like unreachable ships on the horizon of an ocean, which is exactly what Janie is doing in her life. But Hurston also says that women's dreams are much more realistic, they discard the unreasonable and especially idiotic dreams and dedicate their life to reasonable goals. These dreams can still be ambitious but they are not out of reach. The second part of the quote contradicts Janie's actions throughout the entire book though. She is a woman who is living her life like a man at that time would. She tries to chase the unreachable boat far on the Horizon. So I think the first page of the book foreshadows what is to come for Janie, in the end Janie will finally become satisfied with her life, for better or for worse.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Friend I am Thankful For

I am thankful for my friend Erik Glascott. Erik is a really nice guy and a very interesting person. I've done a lot of things with Erik including lacrosse and even boxing (me and Erik boxed once and I lost). He is very funny and likes to laugh at a lot of things. Some people even call him giggles. One of the most interesting things about Erik is his family. He has a pretty large family led by his father who I like to call the Maverik. The Maverik's real name is Tim and he is a really awesome guy who scared the heck out of me once. Erik is very good at football which I think is cool, he was the starting center for Whitney and can block the heck out of people. My favorite memories with Erik are usually hanging out in his back yard, we make hamburgers, play catch, and crack witty jokes at each other. All of my friends have a grand time with Erik and I hope our relationship continues forever. Thank you Erik for being such a marvelous friend and person you truly brighten my day. Love you giggles.